Tail WhippingFlicks
Freewheel Burning
Unlike most magazines the Aussie MTB newsletter is as always late with its reviews,
so although Freewheel Burning came out some months ago JUST CUT ME SOME SLACK
OKAY!! Now then what is it I hear about Freewheel Burning you ask? Well readers
Freewheel Burning is yet another devilish movie following the series of New
World Disorders. And trust me after this you'll have a disorder for riding.
Let's just say it is a f'ing awesome flick. You get heaps of action and also
some four-wheel action on the special features. It is 100% pure mtb, apart from
an Aussie showing off on the motorized version. A big thumbs up from the makers
apart form the inclusion of Jenna Jameson. Don't get me wrong any movie with
her in it is good but the headlines stated 'Starring Jenna Jameson' and she
only says one thing!! What the? Anyway it retails for about 50 bucks so get
down to the local and pick yourself up a copy. 9 bike wheels. 000000000